A roof can get damaged not just as a result of bad weather, but also because of high exposure to UV radiations. In this case, the damage is not immediate, but it is important to detect the risks, schedule regular maintenance, and keep an eye on the signs indicating premature wear and tear.
Unless your home is surrounded by tall trees or was built in the shadow of a high building, the roof will get plenty of sun exposure and will eventually be affected by it.
Spotting heat damage is not always easy for non-specialists, and we highly suggest contacting the best roofer College Station has to inspect your roof. On a shingled roof, it may come in the form of curled edges or discolorations, because high temperatures determine structural modifications in the composition of shingles.
On the other hand, on flat commercial roofs, heat damage may result in cracks and bumps in the covering membranes.
To prevent heat damage, you must choose the right materials when you install the roof in the first place. There are roofing materials tested for hot weather and sun exposure (e.g. metal and clay tiles). However, regardless of the type of roof you have, you can also opt for applying a reflective coating.
Additionally, installing vapor barriers to decrease moisture, or simply painting the roof white to avoid heat accumulation will also do.
But most of all, make sure you keep up with the regular roof maintenance.