Inspect the Roof Before You Buy a New House

Lakewood RooferAs most of you know, buying a home can be very stressful. In Texas the buyers normally have a chance to inspect the house in an option period.  Often times a home inspector finds dozens of things wrong, big and small.

We want you to know that choosing to overlook problems with the roof may cost you a small fortune.

One of our customers in Corpus Christi purchased their home last June.  The seller, Realtor® and the home inspector never disclosed to the new buyer that a Hail Storm had occurred in January and no repairs had been completed.  The new buyers had arranged with Allstate Insurance to insure their new home.  However, before they left the parking lot at the title company, Allstate called to inform them that their new home had an un-insurable roof because of the Hail and cancelled the homeowners’ insurance policy.

The new homeowners had to spend $13,000.00 to replace the roofing system.  If only they had a reputable inspector/contractor identify the damage and ask their Realtor to work with the seller to have the roof replaced utilizing their insurance coverage. Please contact us if you have any questions or would like to schedule a meeting.

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