Fire Resistant Roofing Options

fire resistant metal roofing Houston

Fire safety is essential for the safety of any building. Every construction needs protection from fires on the inside as well as on the outside, but the buildings located in fire-prone areas need to pay increased attention to preventing building fires. One of the best ways to prevent such accidents is to use building materials that do not ignite – per fire resistant metal roofing Houston experts, here are some of the most fire resistant roofing materials:

  • Clay and cement tiles – the materials used for making these tiles are born in fire, therefore they are completely immune to it. Tiles are heavy, so you need to check whether your building can hold the weight of a heavier roof before you choose your tiles, but in terms of fire resistance, the material is an excellent choice;
  • Metal roofs – the panels and shingles made from steel, aluminium or other alloys are also resistant to flames and sparks;
  • Slate – another heavy material, but also one that provides superior resistance to fire;
  • Synthetic shingles – this relative newcomer on the market of roofing materials comes in many varieties, including polyurethane and other, lightweight, durable and, even more importantly, fire resistant choices.
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