Choosing the right roofing contractor can be a daunting task. Many times, a homeowner is in need of a roofing contractor because they have unexpectedly been struck by a sudden hail or windstorm that has left their roof severely damaged. Selecting a roofing contractor becomes even more challenging because it was so unexpected, and many homeowners only replace a roof once every 15-20 years, something they are not very familiar with. Not to mention when severe weather hits, roofing contractors from all over the country converge to the affected area, adding to the chaos and confusion for homeowners. Homeowners need to be vigilant in these times when making a roofer selection. A few helpful tips can help smooth over the process. First and foremost, never pay a contractor in advance for work that has yet to be done. Not a penny. Not even if the contractor claims to need the money to purchase materials. Any reputable roofing contract will have a line of credit at a local roofing material supplier and will be able to complete the job without any up front payment. Second, be wary of door to door roofing contractors. If a roofer has enough time to interrupt your day and knock on your door, there is usually a reason they are out begging for work. Third, you will want to select a contractor that has an actual business in your area. Too many times a roofer will have a local “office” and/or phone number listed in their literature, but it is simply a PO Box they rented as soon as the storm hit, and a burner phone they picked up on their way into town. By taking these simple factors into consideration you will be far more successful when it comes to selecting a roofing contractor that will be around, after the storm traffic has cleared, to honor their workmanship and warranties.